The Ultimate Self Discovery Package
Discover you!
You can do this right where you are.
It is time to find out all about you!
Everything you need is within - accessing it is the gift.
Have you ever wondered what might be holding you back or if there was someway to progress faster?
Currently in Earth's history, we are seeing an awakening taking place that gives us the opportunity for personal growth. Sometimes there are unseen things that tend to hold us back. These can be personality traits that block our vision, emotional patterns that lurk in the distant past, taking up real estate in our energy systems. Emotional roadblocks can go back years, and that still may be affecting us today in our endeavors to progress forward in life.
Or even just if our biorhythms are out of sink, as they tend to affect when we can progress faster or when we can't progress.
The Ultimate Self Discovery Package helps you to discover more about yourself in a very fast way that can often take years to figure out.
Know Thyself
Back in ancient Greece, before asking any questions of the gods, the Oracle of Delphi would force travellers to investigate themselves because this and nothing else was considered the starting point for understanding this world. Know thyself. These were the words inscribed almost as a warning at the pioneers of the temple, of the Apollo of Delphi. It was Plato who actually transmitted this phrase by his dialogs. Indeed, he suggested the importance of looking inwards before making any decisions or taking any steps forward.
Step One
The first step in helping you to Know Thyself, is to look at you through your own personal profile, hidden in your face.
It is by understanding our own facial profile and what it reveals about why we do the things we do in a certain way that helps us to know thyself. This will help you to understand why other people treat you the way they do.
When you look at a German shepherd, you know it has certain traits that you have not seen: a toy poodle or a Labrador. Well, people are the same. Certain faces have certain traits. And wouldn't it be great to understand what your face is saying?
Step Two
The second step in helping you to Know Thyself, is to look at your personal profile, hidden in your handwriting.
Discovering what our handwriting is saying can be very revealing. There may be hidden traits that are holding you back, or are there any roadblocks to your success?
Handwriting Analysis can identify your subconscious and conscious personality traits. These traits relate to your behaviour, motivations, thoughts, habits, temperament, and other personality variations. It can also tell you about your fears that you've suffered and developed since childhood. It can also reveal current feelings or emotions at the time of the writing sample.
Traits like:
- Fear of Failure / Low Goals
- Low self-esteem / Week Ego
- Fear of Success / Sabotage Goals
- Fear of Ridicule / Rejection (Self-consciousness)
- Fear of Criticism
- Self-Castigation
- Guilt and / or Living in the Past
- Lack of Integrity / Honesty
- Resentment or Anger
If any of the above traits exist in your handwriting, they will show up. We can then adjust them, or remove them. This can cause such a transformation in your life.
We will also do a signature makeover if you need one.
Step Three
Your life is affected by rhythmic biological cycles (biorhythms).
Biorhythms move in sinus curves starting at your birth and continuing throughout your whole life, influencing you in many ways. The three rhythms of particular importance are: Physical that affects your overall fitness and well-being; Emotional that affects you mood and awareness; and Intellectual that affects your logical analysis, memory, and communication.
Have you ever had a really bad day? Maybe you tripped over the cat as you were getting out of bed, ran out of fuel on the way to work because you forgot that you needed to fill up the fuel, botched up a major project that the boss was counting on to get right, and then burned your dinner. When it was all said and done, you probably wished that you had just stayed in bed that morning.
We all have days like that to some extent. But we also have good days. They might not stand out in our minds like the bad ones do, but everyone has them.
So why are some days horrible and others stellar? Many of us blame it on fate. But what if I told you that you could avoid having bad days?
What if you could prevent even the most devastating of mistakes, improving both your physical and mental health in the process?
You are probably thinking, "Yeah, that would be nice, but I do not have a crystal ball". But you do not need one! All you need to turn those bad days into good days is a basic understanding of biorhythms and how to use them to your advantage. There is no rocket science involved, just a few calculations that you do not necessarily even have to do yourself.
The Ultimate Self Discovery Package will give you an up-to-date report on your biorhythms and we will discuss what that means to you in our one hour together.
Step Four
Is there a fast way to discover emotions that are holding you back?
Yes there is a way to do this and it is called Self Awarness Formulas (SAF).
This is an enlightening system of thought, a tool to help us find and understand past traumas, and how these might still be affecting us in the present. SAF® can rapidly pinpoint when a trauma occurred in our life, as well as the nature of the event.
This method defines certain organ and gland systems, which hold recordings of what has happened to us in the recent and distant past. Everything is recorded – specific emotions, conditions, and actions. When we identify which organs are stressed the most, this will tell us what emotions need to be processed.
From there, we can discover what “code” was created from the time of childhood. These codes may have been effective as children, but as we grew older, the emotions and actions that once helped us survive in our family became obsolete. These are often impediments to us as adults when we try to forge new relationships at work and at home.
With SAF® , we can learn to unravel the confusion of our past and put the puzzling pieces back together so these make sense.
The Ultimate Self Discovery Package will give you an up-to-date SAF® report to view those hidden emotions as well as some great recommendations for your health and the journey ahead.
Step Five
Discover your body's preferences to improve your quality of life with Zyto Insights.
One of the great pleasures of living at this time in earth's history is to be able to use advanced technology like Voice-Frequency Analysis and Kinetic response software found in Zyto Insights to create your own unique signature. With this signature, we can get an accurate read out of what your body needs right now.
Voice analysis technologies extract specific voice features (referred to as voice biomarkers) from audio samples. Specific voice features can be analysed for important patterns and cues to provide insights about your health. Research shows that voice analysis may be used to predict, detect, and monitor a wide variety of health conditions.
Zyto Insights is a revolutionary wellness scan that can run anytime and anywhere. All you need for this is an internet connection and a device that has a microphone. Your Scan responses are displayed in the Insight's report to help you choose the best options to optimize your wellness.
How exciting it will be to have a one hour together to discuss your results.
Once we have all the data in, we can then organise a time for a one-hour zoom call together or in person if you are where I am. To go through the reports and what has been revealed through your profile. I am sure you will find all this information life changing and see wonderful results as you incorporate it into your life.
I only have 10 spots available each month for $249.
Take adavantage of this special offer and book your spot NOW!